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This walk: 2010-6-2. Middleworth Farm, shippen, hayloft, Heath Speedwell, track towards Deancombe, approach to Deancombe Farm, possible pigsty, granite trough, Deancombe Farm remains, String of sausages lichen (Usnea articulata), Spotted Wood butterfly, rare giant granite mushroom - otherwise known as staddle stones, grinding stone for sharpening farm implements and tools, Cuckoo Rock, unknown plant, second set of staddle stones at Deancombe, a conifer tree growing in / on an oak tree, Narrator Brook, bluebells, mortar stones, Heath Spotted Orchid, orange fungus, Outholme Farm, shaped granite mullion; Down Tor, Leather, Sharpitor,  Combeshead Farm cave, cache, growan, hawthorn blossom, Hingston stone row, cairn circle, Burrator reservoir, sheep.

Walk details on Page 2 - Information about the route etc.

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Photos - Jim, Captions - Liz.

The barn at Middleworth Farm, restored by DNPA in the 1970�s; showing �broad and narrow� work at the corners.


Side view.


MoorStrollers exiting the barn. The Shippen was at the bottom, the hayloft above.


Heath Speedwell, Veronica officinalis. Also known as also known as common speedwell, drug speedwell, common gypsyweed, fluellin, Veronica and Paul's betony.


Part of old building, Middleworth.


On the track towards Deancombe; this track was improved by Goldcrest Films in the 1980�s when the film Revolution was filmed in this valley. Another link - Revolution - Wikipedia.


There it was gone! Two weeks ago there was a big boulder here which had been split in the traditional way making what looked like eight gateposts.


Small building alongside the track on the approach to Deancombe Farm; possibly a pigsty.




First aid!


Large granite trough at Deancombe Farm; probably microchipped.


Deancombe Farm building remains.




String of sausages lichen Usnea articulata - an indicator of clean pure air.


Spotted Wood butterfly, also known as Speckled Wood butterfly, Nymphalidae: Pararge aergeria.


Site of the rare giant granite mushroom ��otherwise known as staddle stones.


Remains of the farms� grinding stone for sharpening farm implements and tools (I have to thank Mike Thwaites for this classified information!)


Cuckoo Rock.


Jim getting arty farty with his photos (don�t worry Keith, your job is safe!!).


Unknown weed.


Second set of staddle stones at Deancombe.


Big boulder. A study of lichen and shadow.


On the track down to the Deancombe; a conifer tree growing in / on an oak tree.


The Narrator Brook flowing under the little footbridge; this area has been much improved by DNPA in the last two years.




Mortar stones beside the Narrator Brook; used in the processing of tin ore.







Damp orange fungus.


Moss, wood, granite.


Ruins at Outholme Farm.




Part of a shaped granite mullion; the cross piece is indicated; the granite has been neatly chamfered.




View to Down Tor right, and Leather and Sharpitor Tors right; Cuckoo Rock on the right.


Zoomed view to Cuckoo Rock; so named because the farmer at Combeshead Farm always heard his first cuckoo here.


Zoomed view of Down Tor.


Zoomed view of Leather Tor (left) and Sharpitor.

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