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Dartmoor CAM Links


Webmaster's Dartmoor links cloud
Dartmoor National Park Authority  DNPA Blog   Dartmoor Preservation Association   DPA Blog (Old Blog)
Dartmoor Tinworking Research Group    Prehistoric Monuments of Dartmoor    Dartmoor Crosses
Dartmoor Society   Dartmoor Online  Dartmoor Walker  Dartmoor Walks   Divine Dartmoor Walks

Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust     Legendary Dartmoor     Archaeology Data Service    Megaliths
Cut Hill stones older than Stonehenge    RAF Harrowbeer    The Modern Antiquarian - Dartmoor
BGS Geology of Britain Viewer  Map of Dartmoor Rocks and Geological History  Simon Dell MBE
Dartmoor News  Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks  Johnie's Meanderings  Moorland Guides  Pastscape
Campaign for National Parks   Flood risk - Environment Agency (click in to a recording station)
Dartwalker's Blog   Legendary Dartmoor on Facebook   A Dartmoor Blog (NT General Manager)
Archaeological Data Service   Dartmoor Trust   Dartmoor Archive  Two Blondes Walking
Dartmoor Magazine  Dartmoor News  Moorland Guides  Tavistock Museum   Moor Trees
My Dartmoor Walks   Active Dartmoor   Dartmoor Brewery    Dartmoor Farmers
Heritage Gateway - Dartmoor/Devon  Dartmoor Mires Project  Love Dartmoor
Active Dartmoor  Anton Coaker  Dartmoor Walker  Dartmoor Explorations
Tors of Dartmoor: Database of lesser & well known rocks and outcrops **
Tour-by-Tor Legendary Dartmoor's tors page   Dartmoor tors & trig pillars
DNPA - Moor Than Meets The Eye   Moor Than Meets The Eye - Blog
BGS Magnetic north calculator     BGS Coordinate Converter
Dartmoor Way (around & across the moor cycle routes)
DNPA "Land of Granite" film   Museum of Dartmoor Life
Devon County Council - Tithe Maps & Apportionments
Last Dartmoor house built in a day, Hexworthy, 1832
Earth Pilgrim: A year on Dartmoor (Satish Kumar)
Dartmoor Walks' Table of "Dartmoor 365" Sites
Britain on film map - drag, zoom, click old films
Dartmoor 365 Locations & Grid - Satellite map
Lesser Known Tors  and Rocks of Dartmoor
Dartmoor Walks Guide to Stone Rows
Heritage Gateway - Dartmoor/Devon
Archived Plymouth Data web site
Museum of Dartmoor Life
Ordnance Survey blog

Useful links for identifying wildlife
British Wild Flowers   Trees - Nat.Hist.Mus.   Lichens   Liverworts & Mosses   Ferns  Fern ID

Photo Flora of the Devon & Cornwall Peninsula   Identify plants online   Orchids   Nature Spot
Seasonal Wild Flowers   British Dragonfly Society   UK Butterflies   UK Moths   British Moths
Butterfly Conservation  Wild About Britain iSpotNature   UK Safari   Plantlife   Insects

Phillips Mushrooms   Fungi World   First Nature - Fungi   Backyard Nature (American)
Spiders     Floral Images   Plant Identification (Skye)   Plant Press 
Caterpillars, Butterflies, Moths   Butterflies In Your Playground
All About Butterflies,   Download and Colour Butterflies
How to Build a Butterfly Garden in your Backyard
Wild Flower ID by colour etc.

   Butterfly Gardening   Aug 2019
suggested by Jan Baker

   How to Identify the UK�s 10 Most Common Birds   Dec 2020
        suggested by Anne and Jennifer, Ms Jones' class, upstate New York

   Bees and Honey: Creating Pollinator Gardens   Dec 2020
suggested by Jenna and Kelly Miller



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All photographs on this web site are copyright � Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions