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This walk: 2010-5-12. Smeardon Down car park, emergency shelter, Boulter's Tor, Great Combe Tor, bluebells, tormentil, dovecote, Colly Brook, Wedlake or Peter Tavy Brook, wid flowers, Spanish bluebells, dovecote, red valerian, Church of St. Peter, Peter Tavy, village cross, scaly male fern, gatepost, Longtimber Tor, River Tavy, Mary Tavy hydro-electricity power station, mould stone, mill stone, cider press, Thompson Turbine, mining artefacts of Devon United South Mine.

Previous walks in this area: 11 Feb 2009 and 29 April 2009, from the same car park.

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Emergency shelter practice in the car park ......


There was a flash of orange .....


And they were gone!


Dartmoor CAM movie

Moor Strollers gathered for emergency shelter practice!


Click the photo to download

File size: 2 MB.
Time to download: e.g. 13 secs
Length 18 secs


Boulter's Tor, SX 524 780, elevation 328 meters (1076 feet).


A shade tree in a field.


View to Great Combe Tor, SX 522 774.


A sward of bluebells, not photographed so well!


An ivy tree?!


Tormentil, Potentilla erecta.


Bridge over Colly Brook, Wedlake or Peter Tavy Brook (alternative names).


Alkanet (Green Alkanet), Pentaglottis sempervirens ??


Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum ??


Honesty, Lunaria annua ??




Wood anemone, Anemone nemerosa


Red Campion, Silene dioica.


Spanish bluebells, Hyacinthoides  hispanica.


Peter Tavy church tower seen across a field.


Dovecote entrances in an old mill.


Colleybrook / Wedlake / Peter Tavy Brook (alternative names)


Looking in the other direction.


More Spanish bluebells, note the colour variation.


Red valerian, Centranthus ruber.


Caption competition .....
"But I want to go left ............."
"No Liz, you need to finish the walk first!"
"On seeing the pub sign, Liz was tempted to cut the walk short."

"Jim narrowly escapes an attack from the local Red Indian tribe"
I'll race you - last one in buys the drinks."


St Peter's Church, Peter Tavy.


The crossed keys of St Peter with an anchor to their right, on the south face of the medieval crown stone, supporting the reconstructed village cross .....


A history of the old village cross.


Latin inscription carved into the beam under the roof of the lych gate, click to see a larger image.


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All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions