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This walk: 2010-5-5. Postbridge clapper bridge, road bridge, dippers, East Dart river, moorland crowfoot, willows, Hartland Tor, Braddon Lake, Roundy Park, The Sheepfold, Beehive Hut, fissured granite, grasses, frog, Whinney's Down Brook, lichen, Birch Tor and Vitifer Mine Leat, Higher White Tor, Broadun Ring, cist.

More photos from another walk, done in the opposite direction: 6 August 2009.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.

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Moor Strollers on the old clapper bridge at Postbridge.


The road bridge in Postbridge seen over the end of the clapper bridge.



Zoomed and enlarged photos of a Dipper feeding in the East Dart, not best quality, taking food to its nest .....


The nest is on the support of the bridge.


A mass of Moorland Crowfoot (Ranunculus omiophyllus) in a watery runnel .....


In more detail .....




Willows (Salix species) by the Dart ..... This may be Grey Willow (Salix cinerea), this is featured in a laminated "Trees & Shrubs" publication from DNPA which says it is found by rivers and water. Leaves and twigs are required to confirm the identification. Another name can be Grey Sallow.


Close-up of one of the willow flowers (catkins).


Hartland Tor, SX 641 799, elevation 400 metres (1312 feet).


Looking west towards Braddon Lake from just north of Postbridge.


Looking across to Roundy Park (we passed through here on our return).


A sedge flower?


The Sheepfold, SX 644 808.


An eye-catching piece of layered granite with horizontal fissures.


Hare's-tail Cotton-grass (Eriophorum vaginatum).


Two beauties in another beauty spot, the Beehive Hut, SX 639 813. This is believed to be an old tinners' cache or possibly a shelter.


Another beauty!


Rough ground from tin working in the valley bottom.


Tributary of the East Dart, Lade Hill Brook.


A Common Frog.

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