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This walk: 2011-7-7. Black slug, arboretum, ponds, mating flies, Deancombe Farm, sheep, Narrator brook, Cuckoo Rock, Down Tor, Leather tor, Sharpitor, Narrator, corn ditch, Outholme cist, Scout Hut, Gutter Tor, Sheep's Tor, Sheepstor village, foxgloves, thistle flowers, Pixies Cave, letterbox.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Black slug on path in the Arboretum.


Ponds notice.


Access provided for viewing ponds.


"Bumps" on the ground (why?), note the plastic tubes protecting the young trees .....


Flies mating on a protective plastic tube.


View of rocks with trees behind.


Deancombe Farm buildings .....


Sheep at Deancombe Farm.


Sheep #1 .....


Sheep #2 .....


Sheep #3.


Someone cheating on the stream crossing!


Narrator brook.


Cuckoo Rock.


Down Tor.


Leather Tor (left) with Sharpitor (right) behind.


Looking up Narrator Valley.


Corn ditch, where the left side of the wall is gently sloped so that deer could escape out of enclosed fields: on the right the wall is steep and hard for deer to enter the old farm land.


Outholme cist at SX 57997 68283, with the solitary tree and Sheepstor behind. Details:  J. Butler Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities III (1994) 47.10, fig. 47.7 (page 70).


Another view.


Filled-in gateway ..... right-hand post with drilled hole and nail (see next photograph) .....


Iron nail in a wooden plug in the old gatepoet.


PCWW 1919 (Plymouth Corporation Water Works), boundary stone marking the edge of the Burrator water catchment area.


As previous, with the Scout Hut in the distance and Gutter Tor (right edge).


Sharpitor (left) and Leather Tor (right).

Sheep's Tor, the face used by rock climbers.


Sheepstor village, viewed from Sheep's Tor.


Zoomed view to the church.


Burrator Reservoir, from the top of Sheep's Tor.


A path in the Arboretum.


A stream in the Arboretum.




Fly on thistle flowers.


Pixies Cave - in the square rock formation in the centre of the photograph.


A near-randonm photograph taken with the camera pointed inside the cave, the letterbox appearing at the left edge.


Photograph taken by putting the camera inside the cave entrance.


Keith beginning to exit the cave, by contortion!


As previous photograph, it is a bit of a squeeze for an adult.


As previous photograph.


As previous photograph.


Nearly out!




Right out.


That's the hole, down there!


Walk details

MAP: Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.

Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


This walk was reached by driving through Dousland, turning right at the Burrator Inn towards Meavy, then left to Burrator Reservoir, continuing past the dam and around the top end of the reservoir to park at the Arboretum (indicated on the map by the yellow cross).


Distance - 8.23 km / 5.11 miles



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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