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This walk: 2011-1-4. A guided visit on a wet, misty day to Dartmoor Prison and Museum, French Prisoners of War Cemetery, American Prisoners of War Cemetery, St Michael & All Angels Church. This is something that the prison is hoping to develop as a tourist activity while still being a working Category C prison.


Entrance to the French prisoners of war cemetery: the prisoners were taken during the Napoleonic Wars which occurred between 1803-1815, the prison being built 1806-1809 to house them.


The memorial with the inscription: "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" - a line from the Roman lyrical poet Horatio's Odes (III.2.13). It can be roughly translated into English as "It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country".
Click on the photo to see a large version where you can read the inscription.


I am uncertain as to what this emblem is, the images available of the French Imperial Eagle all show the eagle looking the other way but it is reasonable to assume that that is what it is.


The plaque - with my rough translation: "Homage to you soldiers and sailors of the Empire who have, every one, through your story, left a mark in the great story of our Europe".


Gates to the American prisoner of war cemetery: the prisoners were taken during the Anglo-American War of 1812 that ended in 1815. List of events in the War of 1812 - this is a separate war to the War of Independence (1755-1782). The War of 1812 started over several reasons: (1) British trade restrictions, (2) impressment, when the Royal Navy stopped American ships to look for British deserters of which about 9,000 had become naturalised American seamen, (3) British support for Indian raids and (4) United States expansionism.


Click on the photo to see a large version where you can read the inscription on the monument. The plaque, showing "NS USD 1812" signifies the National Society of the United States Daughters of 1812.


Note the year of Benjamin Dilno's death - a momentary lapse of concentration on the part of the engraver?
Click on the photo to see a large version


A detailed history ands list of the names can be seen on the web site of The Illinois War of 1812 Society.
Click on the photo to see a large version


The iconic image of the entrance into HM Dartmoor Prison.


St Michael & All Angels Church in Princetown. The weather was so misty that an exterior view will have to be taken in better weather.


Closer to the altar .....


The altar.


The stained glass window that was donated by the United States Daughters of 1812.


A wall plaque .....


A note about the stained glass window and the commemorating the American prisoners of war held in the prison between 1781-1815 and who helped to build the church.
Click on the photo to see a large version


Click on the photo to see a large version.


Information about The Churches Conservation Trust, that protects historic churches at risk.


A general view of our guide who gave a most informative description of the church and its history.


Organ pipes.


Plaque commemorating three soldiers who died in the snow in 1853.


Photo taken a few days later in better weather.


As previous photo.


Notice on the main door.


A notable platter of cod and chips served at the Prince of Wales hostelry, Princetown.


This walk was something a little special, being a guided visit to sites in and around HM Dartmoor Prison, arranged by our usual guide. The prison is planning to do more of these tours and may be contacted by calling 01822 322130.




All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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