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This walk: 2010-11-10. Sharp Tor, reave, Yar Tor, cairn, Corndon Tor, Cathanger Rock, Money Pit, Cave-Penney Cross, Belstone Bible, Honeybag Tor, Chinkwell Tor, Bell Tor, Mel Tor, gatepost memorial to CNG, large hut circle.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Sharp Tor, SX 686 729, elevation 380 metres (1246 feet), taken from the car park, into the sun.


A reave, not very obvious, running from top-right area towards left-of-centre area of the photo, a Bronze Age boundary.


Approaching Yar Tor, at SX 678 740, elevation 416 metres (1364 feet), with photographer's shadow in view .....


There is a notable cairn on Yar Tor with a simple maze-like construction which is essentially a side passage leading into the centre .....


..... where Moira, Hugh, Jim, Liz, Babs, Jan & Bethany were found standing on this beautiful blue-sky day. The first tor of the day for Hugh .....


View to Corndon Tor.


Looking back from Yar Tor towards Sharp Tor.


Looking generally eastwards from Yar Tor at the boundary between farm fields and open moor; a clear view of Cathanger Rock to the north of Corndon Tor.


A small pond passed en route.


Moor Strollers at the Money Pit (!) .....


The Money Pit (kistvaen / cist) with Yar Tor behind.


A flint arrowhead of the sort possibly found in the Money Pit - see the explanation in the link above..


The Cave-Penney Cross, mounted on a large boulder known as the Belstone Bible .....


To the glory of God
And to the dear memory of
Evelyn Anthony Cave-Penney
Lieut. Q.V.O. Corps of Guides
(Queen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides)
Fell in Palestine whilst
Gallantly commanding his men
June 8th 1918, aged 19
Look up and lift up your heads.

Evelyn Cave-Penney was shot dead by a sniper while leading his men. The full story is reported in Dartmoor News, Issue 117, Nov/Dec 2010, page 58.


A flock of Golden Plover wheeling in the sky ..... can y'see 'em? Good, this new camera, isn't it!


Sharp Tor, captured with evidence of volcanic activity .....


Corndon Tor, SX 687 742, elevation 434 metres (1423 feet) .....


Hugh on Corndon Tor.


On Corndon Tor .....


A view from Corndon Tor looking generally westwards .....


A large cairn on Corndon Tor (there is another nearby cairn) .....


The things you see when you haven't got a gun - are Dartmoor National Park Authority are now installing eco-friendly parking racks for mountain bikes?


Moor Strollers still loitering around the tor.


"Smile please" - at least Babs, the dog, listened!


Rock formation on the end of the tor .....


Same as the previous photo.


Looking eastwards from Corndon Tor: Honeybag Tor left, Chinkwell Tor centre, Bell Tor right.


Strange feature in some granite - harder nodules in the rock that resist weathering more efficiently?


Picturesque pool with Sharp Tor in the distance .....


Looking at the pool again, below Corndon Tor.


Another view of Sharp Tor.


Mel Tor, SX 693 726, elevation 346 metres (1135 feet).


Sharp Tor, with a decidedly tough tree growing among the rocks.


Modern memorial, an old gatepost .....


CNG 1999.


Approaching Sharp Tor - I .....


Approaching Sharp Tor - II .....


Looking down the valley marked "Simon's Lake" on the map, into the deep Dart valley, running down from Dartmeet.


Hugh on Sharp Tor, Frank letter-boxing.


Mel Tor, again.


Hut circle below Sharp Tor .....


Another circle ..... next door to a squared feature, a hut squircle?


Large hut circle quite near the main road, described in Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities Vol 1, p129, as �one of the largest prehistoric dwellings on Dartmoor ��. of massive construction �..must have been occupied by someone of importance�. The map has this area marked as "farmstead".


Looking down the valley of Eastern Coombe below the farmstead area, at SX 6822 7336.


A last look back at Sharp Tor (there are two other Sharp Tors on Dartmoor).


Walk details

MAP: Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.


Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


The car park for this walk is marked with a yellow cross on the map above on the about 1 mile east of Dartmeet.


Distance - 4.80 km / 2.98 miles



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions