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This walk: 2010-10-20. River Plym, Spanish Lake, Trowlseworthy Tors (saddle between), �The Drum�, settlements, Trowlseworthy Warren farm.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


General view of the River Plym.


General view of the River Plym.


General view of the River Plym.


General view by the River Plym.


General view of the River Plym.


Well built walls forming an enclosure, probably rabbit proof .....


Well built walls forming an enclosure, probably rabbit proof .....


Well built walls forming an enclosure, probably rabbit proof.


A gaggle of Strollers


Hugh summits Shadyback Tor (in the shade!).


View of the Plym .....


View of the Plym .....


View of the Plym.


Looking north west to Legis Tor, elevation 340 m (1115 feet).



Looking almost due north to Gutter Tor,  elevation 350 m (1148 feet).


Sphagnum moss, grass and grazed soft rush.


The clay works leat, aka Bottle Hill Mine leat


Looking south west to the Trowlesworthy Tors, elevation  357 m (1171 feet).


View north east: Gutter Tor, North Hessary Tor, Down Tor, trees at the Scout Hut and sun shining on the very top of Coombestone Tor.


Getting closer to the two Trowlesworthy Tors



As previous.


Spanish Lake - so named because on learning about the approaching Spanish Armada, the inhabitants of Trowlesworthy dashed up to the head of this little stream and buried all their wealth � apparently.




Hugh at the summit of Greater Trowlesworthy Tor.


Smug - it was b difficult getting up there!


Blah blah blah on and on and on. Everyone else has gone �..


Dartmoor CAM movie

Our leader extolling something into the wind ..... it must be a Dartmoor tale!


Click the photo to download

File size: 2.8 MB.
Time to download: e.g. 13 secs
Length 18 secs


Hugh atop Little Trowlesworthy Tor.


Blurry little yellow flower.



Descending through Bronze Age remains � enclosures and well preserved hut circles .....


Descending through Bronze Age remains � enclosures and well preserved hut circles .....


Descending through Bronze Age remains � enclosures and well preserved hut circles .....


Descending through Bronze Age remains � enclosures and well preserved hut circles .....


There�s that funny little creature again, any ideas?


The usual caption: Fox Moth caterpillar (July-October), about 8 cm / 3 inches in length. Heather, bramble, and bilberry are among its foodplants. It will be fully grown by the autumn. It will then hibernate, to emerge next spring without feeding, pupate in March/April and be on the wing in May. Click here for: a photo of an adult.


The clay works leat again .....


It says in the notes that there is a marked improvement in the photography because the camera has changed hands! The clay works leat again .....


The clay works leat again.


Track to Trowlesworthy Farm.


Highland cow, not at all perturbed by us strolling by - if I was built like this, I wouldn't be that bothered, either!


As previous photo.


Rabbit bury or �pillow mound� as OS prefer to call them.


The rare Trowlseworthy rabbithen ..... now domiciled in some of the the rabbit buries .....


..... again, doing its Road Runner impersonation before disappearing into one of the rabbithen burrows.


View of the Plym.


This area is National Trust-owned.





Walk details

MAP:  Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.


Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


This walk was accessed by driving to Cadover bridge (north of Plympton, south of Dousland and Burrator reservoir) and driving along the road right beside Cadover Bridge, up-river, (easterly) for about 800 meters (0.5 mile) to the parking area to the left.

Distance - 5.42 km / 3.37 miles



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions