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This walk: 2010-1-21. Gutter Tor newly-found unfinished cross, rabbit buries (Ditsworthy Warren House complex), vermin traps, gert scenes, mist!

This was a very grey, misty day during which the Garmin eTrex Venture Cx GPS unit went haywire at times, resulting in a very spiky recorded track - see the last map at the bottom of the page. Therefore, the recorded GPS locations of features may be unreliable. We will need to repeat these on a sunny day .....

This page relates to another walk two weeks later on a similarly misty day but with a lot of detail about Ditsworthy Warren House, here.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


The newly-found, unfinished cross below Gutter Tor, the GPS position is SX 57891 66779 � 6 metres (unreliable?). There is a page about this on the Legendary Dartmoor web site - here.


A closer view .....


..... and again.


Poser no. 1

Poser No. 2


The nearby unfinished/damaged apple crusher .....


..... showing both features in the same photograph.


A rabbit bury on the horizon, at SX 57777 66685, reference from Memory Map.


Vermin trap, marked as Trap-4F(b) on the map below, at SX 57817 66498 (from Memory Map).


Another view.


View eastwards, across the large gert, looking towards Ditsworthy Warren House .....


..... zoomed view.


Vermin trap, marked as Trap-4F(b) on the map below, at SX 57817 66498 (Memory Map).


Vermin trap, marked as Trap-6F(c) on the map below, down in the gert, with an animal track running through it, at SX SX 58050 66477 � 6 metres (unreliable?) .....


Looking south-west along the gert, with the animal track in view .....


..... looking to wards Gutter Tor, from the same viewpoint as the previous photo .....


Looking noth-east along the gert, with the trees of the Scout Hut in view .....


..... down in the gert, looking south-west .....


..... and looking north-east.


Feature near the Scout Hut car park, it appeared to be a cairn but there was a deep pit in the centre. Looking towards Roughtor Plantation (Burrator woods) .....


..... and with the South Hut in the background.


Walk details

MAP: Blue = redrawn route after the event (the normal red GPS track, see last map below, was unreliable).

Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.



Access was via Plympton towards Burrator Reservoir, along a road that passes over Cadover Bridge. After Ringmoor Cottage it becomes single track, high up overlooking Sheepstor village. Not my favourite spot on a wet or icy day because the only passing possibility along one stretch is to go on the grass on a steep downward slope away from from the road! I would favour the safer approach via Yelverton, Dousland and Burator dam. Parking was at the the  P  symbol on the map.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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