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This walk: 2009-9-17. A beautiful blue-sky day. Little Mis Tor, Great Mis Tor, River Walkham, Grimstone and Sortridge Leat head weir, Roos Tor, Great Staple Tor, Cox Tor, Middle Staple Tor, Little Staple Tor, Dartmmor Inn - Merrivale, Merrivale stone row.

This walk's photos etc. are continued on a second page here.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Looking up to Great Mis Tor from near the car park.


Looking across, left to right, to Middle Staple Tor, Great Staple Tor and Roos Torr.


Great Mis Tor, with red flag flying, and Little Mis Tor, right.


Little Mis Tor.


Passing Little Mis Tor.


Little Mis Tor from "behind".


Approaching the main section of Great Mis Tor.


Great Mis Tor, SX 56292 76903, elevation 538 metres (1765 feet).


Looking east from Great Mis Tor to the slopes of Black Dunghill, across the Prison Leat.


Possibly looking north-west to White Tor?


Zoomed view to Merrivale Quarry.


Red flag for Merrivale Firing Range being in action, Great Mis Tor.


As previous.


Great Staple Tor, right, and Middle Staple Tor beyond.


Rock formation on Great Mis Tor.


Looking east towards Longaford and Beardown Tors - the Long Plantation at Two Bridges is seen at the right side.


Looking north, descending to the River Walkham - the red and white post marks the edge of the firing range.


Great Staple Tor, SX 54215 76056, elevation 455 metres (1492 feet).


The head weir of the Grimstone amd Sortridge Leat on the River Walkham, this went to a copper mine six miles away at Sortridge.


Looking back up at Great Mis Tor.


Another view of the Grimstone and Sortridge Leat head weir.


...... and again.


Looking up the River Walkham from near the weir.


Looking down on the weir from the west side.


Course of the old Longford Leat.


Another look at Great Mis Tor.



Roos Tor, SX 54350 76878, elevation 454 metres (1489 feet).


A fleeting glimpse of the elusive Dartmoor dinosaur, Ronaldosaurus hillii.


This walk's photos etc. are continued here.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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