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This walk: 2009-9-16. Dartmoor ponies, Bellever Tor, Laughter Tor, Beardown Tors, Longaford Tor, Brimpts Mine Leat, old 5-barred gate with slotted and grooved gateposts, clapper bridge, ling, more Dartmoor ponies and Dunnabridge Pound.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Inquisitive ponies at the car park.


Ponies, again.


"If I've told you once, I've told you ....."


"You groom me - and I'll groom you".


Setting off towards Bellever Tor, with Bellever Forest on the left.


Bellever Tor, SX 64460 76445, elevation 443 metres (1453 feet).            


Laughter Tor, SX 65253 75695, elevation 420 metres (1377 feet).


View towards Beardown Tors (centre) and Longaford Tor (right).


View to Princetown.


Beardown Tors, SX 60525 77388, elevation 500 metres (1640 feet).


Longaford Tors, SX 61560 77943, elevation 507 metres (1663 feet).


Looking "eastwards" to see the line of the Brimpts Mine leat, running from the Cherry Brook, near Powdermills.


Old gateway, an original 5-barred construction, now blocked up.


Close-up of a grooved gatepost.


Close-up of a slotted gatepost.


View of the other side of the gateway, showing no other features.


Common Heather or Ling (Calluna vulgaris), not Bell Heather or Cross-leaved Heather, still in flower.


As previous, in close-up.


Standing on a clapper bridge over the overgrown Brimpt's Mine Leat.


Close-up of the clapper bridge.


Pedigree/purebred Dartmoor mares and foals corralled near Dunnabridge Pound Farm, just after the pedigree stallions were separated out and taken away.


Purebred Dartmoor pony, mare.


Mare and foal.


Entrance to Dunnabridge Pound, SX 64618 74635. This is where livestock was rounded-up so that owners could reclaim their animals before a time limit. "Illegal" animals were impounded and fines levied on illegal animals. These were animals over the numerical limits for the size of a farm, they were only allowed to keep the number of animals that the farm could support over the winter..


The Judge's Chair .....


..... and again.


Low-angle photo of the pound wall.


..... too many judges?


Another Dunnabridge Pound scene.


Looking uphill inside the pound.


Final scene, inside the pound.


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Looking around inside Dunnabridge Pound
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Walk details

MAP: The red line is the route walked.

Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


The walk was accessed from the B3357 Two Bridges-Moretonhampstead road, with easy road-side parking as indicated by the  P  symbols on the map.


Distance - 4.22 km / 2.62 miles.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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