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This walk: 2009-6-17. Crownhill Down, Lee Moor china clay works, Headon Down clay works, Broomage Farm, Whitehill Tor, Crownhill Tor, a brick, Mumford Cottage, a stile for giants, gatepost, stone circle, tree lichen, Lee Moor boundary post, wild thyme?

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Lee Moor china clay works with a huge mica settling pit to the left.


Deposits of china clay within the peat on Crownhill Down.


A small part of the enormous pit of Headon Down clay works.


Our destination � the remains of Broomage Farm.


Whitehill Tor (209m) with the village of Lee Moor behind, from Crownhill Tor.


Caption competition - perhaps "A brick in the hand is worth......"


Rounded gateposts at the grand entrance to Broomage Farm.


Close up of one of the carefully constructed gateposts.


Tree lichen.


Ponies with the backdrop of Headon Down clay works.


Crownhill Tor (236m) from Broomage.


Remains of a hut circle with Mumford Cottage behind.


A stile for giants!


Crownhill Tor. The present day �Crownhill� (formerly known as Knackers� Knowle) must be named after this area, I wonder why it changed it�s name..?


The Liz Miall stone plus Gertie (otherwise known as the Lee Moor boundary stone, one of seven in this area).


Zoomed view of Lee Moor china clay works.


That plant again, any ideas anyone? Could it be wild thyme?


And again, what is it?.


Walk details

There is no GPS-recorded route for this walk, sorry! Here is the car-park though ..... just south of Lee Moor .....

Image produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with
kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.

Access: from the Wotter / Lee Moor road take the B3147, this takes you onto Crownhill Down; go over a cattle grid, around a left hand bend, park near a hawthorn on the right.




All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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