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This walk: 2009-6-10. Grenofen, River Walkham, woods, trees, trees, trees, chimney, West Down mine, wild flower etc.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


The exit from the car park ..... over there and turn left onto the bridle path.


A scene in the woods, along the way. Some definite edging to the path by the river .....


A view of the River Walkham.


A side path leading to a blue elvan quarry, this is a type of granite used for road stone and ornamental carving.


An impressive retaining wall for the quarry works.


The River Walkham.


A chimney in the woods to do with baking copper ore to dry it.


Vents and access at the base of the chimney.


Entrance to the flue where arsenic was processed and afterwards scraped off the walls of the flue. It leads to a square chimney further up the hillside. This was positioned to take the toxic fumes out of the valley.


Another view of the River Walkham.


A carpet of tree roots in the path.


An old beech hedge .....


A view from a highpoint by the tor (the tor photo was not a success due to camera shake, it was blurred).


A Dartmoor Guide holding court .....


A speedwell?


Tracks cut in the bracken to encourage rare fritillary butterflies that like to feed on violets that grow in the tracks.


Another river view.


Notice for Drake's Trail, back by the car park, there were also signs for the national cycle route, no. 27.



Walk details

The red line is the route walked: the straight line section started in the woods where the satellite signal was lost and not returned until I took the GPS unit out of my pocket to check .....

Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


Access to the walk was via the road from Yelverton to Tavistock, turning left opposite The Halfway House Inn and taking the first road left (not the private drive) and parking at the end, over the bridge, indicated by the  P  symbol on the map.


Distance - 3.64 km / 2.25 miles, taken from the GPS route - probably inaccurate.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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