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This walk: 2008-6-3 (3rd June) - High House Waste, lower-slope boggy area. A botanical walk with Dartmoor Preservation Association. There are some photographs of the area on an earlier walk - 2008-2-6 - East Rook Gate.

This is simply a page with a few flower photographs taken on the day. The identifications are believed to be good but any help would be appreciated, via the email contact page.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Drosera rotundifolia - Round-leaved sundew (an insectivorous plant).


Drosera rotundifolia - Round-leaved sundew (an insectivorous plant).


Potentila erecta - Tormentil.


Polygala serpyllfolia - Heath milkwort.


Eriophorum augustifilium -  Common cottongrass.


Eriophorum augustifilium -  Common cottongrass. A wider view.


An unidentified fungus, in June!


Dactylorhiza maculata -  Heath spotted orchid.


Cirsium palustre - Marsh thistle.


Ranunculus flamula - Lesser spearwort.



Walk details

MAP: Blue = planned route, Red = GPS satellite track of the actual walk.

The blue lines are the compass or GPS bearings. The red line is the route actually walked: it deviates sometimes from the blue lines to avoid obstacles such as thick bracken, gorse, bogs or clitter, and often to use paths or animal tracks that are not on the map.

Reproduced from Dartmoor OS Explorer map 1:25 000 scale by permission of Ordnance Survey
on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission

Access was via Cornwood, taking the road towards Torr. After leaving Cornwood, take the first road on the left, Rook Lane, followed shortly by a sharp right and then a left bend. Later, a bend right at East Rook followed by a left bend, then continue straight, ignoring a right turn to Hele Cross/South Hale. NOTE - Rook Lane is as narrow as a road can be! There is only room for perhaps two/three cars to park comfortably on the verge at the end of the lane before you enter the stream and rough ground beyond.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions

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