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This walk: 2008-5-8. Batworthy, Kes Tor (or Kestor Rock on the OS map) on Chagford Common, the Long Stone, along the Teignhead Road (Harvey map) north-west wall of Fernworthy Forest, seeing the memorial to a marine along the way, as far as the North Teign River near Teignbridge Farm to see the clapper bridge memorial to FHS again. The return was for the most part back along the same route but diverting to revisit antiquities on Shovell Down. This walk relates to the 2008-4-14_WaternTor walk.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


View towards Scorhill Circle from the path between Batworthy and Kes Tor.


Kes Tor (SX 665 862)


Kes Tor receding from view as we walked to the Long Stone


The Long Stone (SX 66031 85687 � 4 m on previous walk), photographed from a low angle.


Another view, zoomed in with Kes Tor in the background


Stile at SX 850 651 where the wall from Stonetor Hill meets the forest boundary wall.


View of the Marine Memorial stone, 335 meters from the stile, 30 meters from the forest wall.


12 11 49 - 20 10 92


As previous photo. RSM Perry was the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Commando Training Centre at Lympstone. At the end of a Royal Marine's commando training, the marine, as part of his unit, has to march for 30 miles with full equipment and the full unit has to complete the march in a set time. RSM Perry was a very fit man and was overseeing one of these exercises when he died unexpectedly. His family and friends placed the stone here as a memorial to him at the spot where he died. The stone was originally upright but is now on its back.


Panorama from the Royal Marine Memorial stone - click on it to see a full-sized version.


Gate at the far corner of the forest boundary wall (SX 64178 84666).


Harry Starkey Memorial stone at by the footbridge at SX 64002 84640 � 4 meters, as seen in the Watern Tor walk.


Fuller view of the scene with the memorial stone.


..... and again, including the clapper bridge.


View of the bridge, looking north, down the North Teign River.


As previous photo.


View towards the Long Stone, from SX 66028 85713. Fernworthy Reservoir is just hidden in the distance, to the left.


View along a double stone row, looking north towards Scorhill Down / Gidleigh Common.


Triple circle containing a cairn and probable ruined cist, with a double stone row extending away towards Batworthy Corner which is in the background (towards the right edge of the photo).


Attempt to show the triple stone circle .....


A closer view of the double stone row extending from the triple stone circle towards Batworthy Corner.


Distant view of Kes Tor.


The welcome sight of the stone fireplace at the Warren House Inn, back on the B3212, towards Postbridge.


The Warren House Inn, third highest public house in the country (altitude approx. 426 meters / 1397 feet). Hyperlinks: &

Outside the Warren House Inn, quite an idyllic spot.


Walk details

MAP: Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.


Reproduced from Dartmoor OS Explorer map 1:25 000 scale by permission of Ordnance Survey
on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission

The red GPS track was only started from the Long Stone, the route before that was drawn in afterwards - the walk was meant to be a purely map-and-compass exercise.

The walk started from Batworthy, not the easiest place to reach. We approached from Plymouth along the B3212, turning left after the Warren House Inn, turning at SX 68875 82793. After this, there are 10.03 km / 6.25 miles of very narrow roads, via Jurston, Yelland Cross and Thorn. We parked outside the entrance to Batworthy although this is needed as a turning place for refuse lorries and the bus, so leave room! There is a larger parking area about 100 m before Batworthy, just after passing the Round Pound on the right side of the road - this is just off the top edge of the map image.


Distance - 7.94 km / 4.9 miles
Start 10.15 am, Finish 1.55 pm, Duration 3 hr 40 min
Moving average 3.5 kph / 2.2 mph; Overall average 2.2 kph / 1.4 mph.


All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions