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This walk: 2007-2-21 to Hangershell Rock, Hobajons Cross, Spurrell's Cross, Ugborough/Eastern Beacon, Butterdon Hill, Black Pool, Harford/Ugborough boundary stones, Western Beacon

This walk was done on a brighter day although it became dull in the afternoon, therefore the photos are still not the brightest - roll on, blue skies and sunshine!

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Hangershell Rock (Grid Reference SX 65400 59400 - from Memory Map)


Hobajons Cross (SX 65513 60475)


View north along the disused Ivybridge to Red Lake clay tramway
(from approx. SX 65730 60218)

I'm not saying it was draughty up here but at one point the wind pulled the 'baccy out of my pipe ...

... and it was Cherry & Vanilla, too, my favourite!


Spurrell's Cross with Brent Hill in the distance, left, and South Brent, right (SX 65905 59965)


Walking south towards Ugborough Beacon and its cairns (SX 66815 59133)


Ugborough Beacon cairns


One Ugborough cairn in close-up


... and, the other


View approaching Butterdon Hill and its cairns from the east, with the trig point visible at far left (SX 65608 58785)


View looking north from Butterdon Hill, showing Hangershell Rock with Sharp Tor (?) to the north (at approx. SX65000 62000?) with Three Barrows up to the right
Memo to self - carry a notebook for noting bearings etc. for later reference!


Another view of the cairns on Butterdon Hill, from the north


Walking south along the boundary stones from Butterdon Hill towards Western Beacon passing Black Pool (SX 65480 58135) en route


Boundary stone by Western Beacon (SX 65420 57568) marking the boundary between Harford and Ugborough


Windswept tree seen on final leg of the walk, on the west flank of Western Beacon


Walk details

This was my first "real" GPS walk.

The route of the walk was modified from Walk 33 in "Walk Dartmoor" by Kate & Allan Hobbs ISBN 1-904946-12-7, RRP �12.99

The route below is 8.9 km/5.5 miles (although my GPS unit recorded 11 km/6.8 miles) modifying the final route shown below and wandering around looking for photo view points

Reproduced from Dartmoor OS Explorer map 1:25 000 scale by permission of Ordnance Survey
on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number WL 10021.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission

The town of Ivybridge is at bottom left

Access and parking was at the "P" symbol, at Harford Moor Gate (SX 64333 59558). Be aware, this is quite a long and narrow approach road and reversing may be required! Keep your elbows in!


All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions